It's that time... the waiting time... waiting for the DNA test to process...Anticipation....
I've been researching my family tree for over 30 years. There are brick walls at the end of a lot of my lines that are just waiting to be knocked down.
Is Hector Mathieson who dies in 1865 in New Zealand the Hector McDonald Mathieson baptised in 1830 in Lanark, the son of Neil Mathieson and Janet McDonald? His children's names would suggest it is so (Neil Downey, Mary McDonald, William, Janet, Hector McDonald), but I haven't found a document that confirms this link.
His wife Jane Richardson is even more of a mystery. Her first appearance is in 1856 when she marries Hector, but no subsequent document gives her parents names.
Is there a link from Vincent Hannam who marries Philadelphia Jacobs in 1787 in Westminster to the Vincent Hannam baptised in 1761 in Mere, Wiltshire, son of Richard Hannam?
Is Philadelphia Jacobs not American like we were lead to believe from family letters, but actually Phillis Jacob baptised in 1764 in East Grinstead, Sussex? Our research suggests that this could be the case but again no definite proof.
Even if the results don't help with those line's, hopefully they may at least reveal some researching cousins that I can work with on these lines.
When I look at my tree, I have all my 3 x Great grandparents documented, most of my 4 x Great's as well and some lines even further back. But what if my DNA results turn up something unexpected. Maybe who I believe and even who the child believed was their father was not. Maybe my family tree isn't actually my family tree.
So maybe it's not Anticipation... but rather Trepidation.
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