Media & Publications
Here's where you may have seen or heard me.

My Family Mystery
Being one of the genealogists on My Family Mystery has been fun and the research interesting.
Available on TVNZ+
Episodes: 3, 4 and 5
Who Do You Think You Are?
Watch here (Australia)Australia, S14 E3, 2023
Derryn Hinch
It was great to meet Derryn and be able to share his DNA results with him.
Genealogist urges Kiwis to trace family history after Russell Crowe's shock revelation
Watch hereNewshub, 6 January 2024
It started with a tweet from Russell Crowe and ended with me being interviewed for Newshub from our summer campsite.
Pippa Wetzell undergoes two DNA tests - and gets vastly different results
Watch hereFair Go, 15 June 2021
A review of consumer DNA tests and what to be aware of.
Family History in the AI Era
Family Tree Magazine (UK), May 2024
An introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how family historians can use it.
Slow Down
Family Tree Magazine (UK), September 2023
Establish some genealogy research practices that will stand you in good stead for years to come.
The Family Treehouse
Watch hereStoried, E16
It was lovely to talk with Heather about our love of family history and most importantly sharing stories with our families.
The Constable
Listen hereThe Family Histories Podcast, S5 E5, 2023
Host, Andrew Martin, finds out how I got hooked on family history, the challenges on researching within New Zealand with its privacy laws, and he gets my thoughts on how our role in sharing research and thinking about how we’re creating family history records right now, and what that means for the future.
Fiona Brooker – New Zealand Genealogy
Find out more hereThe Genealogy Professional Podcast, E55, 2020
Marian Pierre-Louis' interview with me around what being a professional genealogist in New Zealand is like.
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