Having completed my DNA Matches - Leeds Method Worksheet (see the Part 1 blog post), the next step is to choose a group to focus on.
I decided to work on the Yellow group as I recognised a couple of the match names, but not all of them. So I printed a copy of the DNA Matches - Leeds Methods Match Surnames form (download it for free here) and started filling it in.
Picking the first Yellow group name with a tree, Agatha Pitt, I went to her page that showed her family tree. Agatha has a good tree and I was able to copy the surnames for her 4th generation - Great Grandparents to my chart. I recognised two surnames straight away - Havill and Ralph (all surnames apart from these have been changed on my charts for privacy, however if you recognise these surnames I'd love to chat to you).
Next match, John Melton, only had his fathers name, so I have put that down as a potential Paternal Great Grandfather.
The next match Leonard Walter, I've corresponded with and he has an unknown paternal grandfather. He also only had a couple of names on his tree. The next match Finlay Walter includes those two surnames in his tree and has a little more detail. They are obviously related, maybe uncle and nephew.
These first four were the matches with trees on my chart, but I had identified that there were "More Shared Matches", so I was able to look at these and see who had trees and add them to my chart.
Most of these had the Havill / Ralph surname combination in their trees, but there are a couple that need some more research including one that only has the Havill name and comes from a totally different line in the family... very exciting.
The DNA Matches - Leeds Method Match Surnames Worksheet comes in A4/Letter/Legal size.
The great thing about having these charts as you can add to them as new matches show in your results.
Once you've used these worksheets, have a look at our downloadable DNA Match Chart, it's perfect for building matches family trees to try and work our how you're related (and it keeps you organised). Multiple charts for groups of shared matches allow you to spread them out and look for similarities in family trees.
I'm happy to have a quick chat with you to see if we I can help you with your DNA results.

If you're ready to dive in then book an
Honnêtement avec vos explications j’ai réussit à comprendre jusqu’ici. Et c’est pas facile quand nous ne connaissons pas les noms de nos parents biologiques. Merci et continuez vos explications
Is this what the ancestry thru lines do?
I had my dna results for a year and could not make sense of them. I attended the Thursday early morning class “you can do DNA”. Thank you for sharing your charting information. I’ve now charted my DNA matches and have made contact with several of the people with and without trees. Those without trees provided enough information that I was able to add to private trees on ancestry while I worked together with the hints to document.