It's always good to see changes to a resource when they add to what we can use for our family history research.
Today those changes are in the New Zealand Historical Indexes for Births and Marriages Online. So here's an update on what you used to be able to search and what you can now search.
The restriction on births used to be that they occurred at least 100 years ago to appear in the online indexes.

Over that period of time, you would often find a birth date on a death index record, which had a different restriction for people that died at least 50 years a go or their date of birth was at least 80 years ago.
This has now been rolled into the birth indexes.

Note also the pre 1875 record searches will search a whole year if a specific date isn't in the database for a birth registration.
Marriages had a restriction of only seeing those that occurred 80 years ago.

Now that restriction has been reduced to 75 years.
I love the "less is best" mentioned, that's the way I always start my research.
Do you want to find out more?
If you're wanting some more help finding New Zealand births, deaths and marriages you may find my webinar: The Bones - New Zealand Civil Registration at Legacy Family Tree Webinars helpful.
So grab your Research Planner and make a note of who you need to check when you have time.
Need Some Help?
If you would like some one on one help with your research, book a free 15min chat with me to see if I can help.