2020 - The year started off with a hiss and a roar. I was merrily writing blog posts to go along with each of the different Plan to Publish steps.
If you missed the earlier posts, here are the links:
Plan to Publish
Finding time for family history
02 Structure - Plan to Publish
03 Contact - Plan to Publish
What happened you might ask after Part 3... well the world changed a little and my focus shifted to producing online content and sorting all my family history paperwork (but that's a different story) and my blog posts got put on hold.
However Plan to Publish did continue and read on to find out what we're doing to start 2021.
Plan to Publish - the Guides
All 12 parts of Plan to Publish are available in the shop and are free for you to download.
Plan to Publish - the Webinar
The Ted Gilberd Literary Trust's aim is to encourage and promote the writing of family history in New Zealand.
With their support a Plan to Publish webinar was recorded in February 2021 and is now freely available.
Plan to Publish - the Facebook Group
The Facebook group continues working together to answer each other's queries and encourage our writing and sharing efforts.
How did I go on my projects?
Scrapbooking my immigration pages is ongoing. My plan is completed and I have three and a half pages done. Filing all my family history paperwork has helped with this to find the information I need for each of the pages.
My in-laws family history, this is actively being updated at the moment. I'll be doing the editing/formatting of this once the updating is finished. Our family reunion has been delayed.