
Ancestry DNA Compare
New tools to try at Ancestry (but just remember they are currently in Beta, so you may not have them yet). 1. Click on Discover Your DNA Story 2. Click...
Ancestry DNA Compare
New tools to try at Ancestry (but just remember they are currently in Beta, so you may not have them yet). 1. Click on Discover Your DNA Story 2. Click...

Searching the ScotlandsPeople Birth Indexes
You can search the historical Scottish Birth Indexes with mother's maiden name on ScotlandsPeople. See how.
Searching the ScotlandsPeople Birth Indexes
You can search the historical Scottish Birth Indexes with mother's maiden name on ScotlandsPeople. See how.

What are Unassigned matches in Ancestry SideView?
It's been exciting exploring the By Parent feature of Ancestry SideView. But one question I've been thinking about is what do I do with the unassigned matches?
What are Unassigned matches in Ancestry SideView?
It's been exciting exploring the By Parent feature of Ancestry SideView. But one question I've been thinking about is what do I do with the unassigned matches?

Using Ancestry SideView By Parent
Ancestry's SideView now shows you the breakdown of your Shared Matches by Parent (if you haven't got it yet, it's rolling out so you might just have to be patient...
Using Ancestry SideView By Parent
Ancestry's SideView now shows you the breakdown of your Shared Matches by Parent (if you haven't got it yet, it's rolling out so you might just have to be patient...

The Benefit of DNA Testing Multiple Family Members
Want to see the difference that can occur between siblings DNA, have a read of this post.
The Benefit of DNA Testing Multiple Family Members
Want to see the difference that can occur between siblings DNA, have a read of this post.

Ancestry DNA - SideView - Edit Parents Update
The first update for Ancestry Sideview is in and now you can label which parent is maternal and which is paternal. Ancestry currently can't tell which of your DNA comes from...
Ancestry DNA - SideView - Edit Parents Update
The first update for Ancestry Sideview is in and now you can label which parent is maternal and which is paternal. Ancestry currently can't tell which of your DNA comes from...
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